Q: Does CRE pick-up Hazardous Waste Solution?
A: Yes, CRE can pick up your solution drums.
Please call 800-943-2811 for a quote.
Q: Will CRE take my solution if Fixer and Developer are mixed?
A: Yes, CRE will take your solution if Fixer and Developer are mixed together.
Q: How do I get started?
A: Please provide CRE with your Company information – name, address, phone number and contact. CRE will also need your EPA ID number as well as a 24-hour Contact Name and 24-Hour phone number.
Q: Why do I need an EPA ID number?
A: The EPA ID number enables regulators to track the waste from its origin to final disposal. Further, a registered Hazardous Waste transporter will not accept the waste for shipment without a valid EPA ID number that is in good standing. As part of your renewal, you will be asked to fill out an annual electronic Verification Questionnare (eVQ) provided by DTSC. It is required by the California Health and Safety Code Section 25205.16 and must be completed each year to keep your EPA ID number in good standing. Further, please note that the maximum time allowed to hold your Hazardous Waste on site is 180 days.
Q: How do I get an EPA ID number?
A: Log on to the DTSC Website at and under State ID Number choose Permanent State ID. Follow instruction to fill out your Company information. Once you get your EPA ID number, please provide it to CRE.
Q: Is there a fee when applying for an EPA ID number?
A: No, the application is FREE.
Q: Do I need to follow any other EPA rules?
A: Yes. Register your business at RCRAInfo to be able to download signed Manifest for your records. You must keep records available for a minimum of 3 years. You can find all related links to the new EPA 3rd Rule at