One-Time-Use Camera Recycling Mail-In Program

We ship you 10 boxes (9 folded into 1) with 10 UPS return service (RS) labels for prepaid return to us. The 10th label is always stapled to the instructional sheet to use for the outside box.

When 1 or more boxes are completely full with camera bodies, take the full boxes to a UPS drop-off location in order to avoid the extra $4.00/box pick-up charge. If you have a UPS account and are set-up on a daily scheduled pick-up, call 800-PICK-UPS for a pick-up at no charge.

Upon receipt of your box(es), we will send you a check within 10 business days. After the 6th box (from the initial 10 sent) is received, we will immediately ship you another 10 boxes and labels for continuing camera recycling.

Can’t get much simpler than that!
For questions, call Aleks at (800) 943-2811

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)



    Camera Program Choice:

    I'd Like to join CRE's single use camera programI'm already a customer, please send me boxes and labels(indicate below)

    Number of Boxes:

    Number of Labels:


    Please complete the following equation to demonstrate you are a human:


    • Depending on style and batteries, there are approximately 4-6 camera bodies per pound.
    • If you have a UPS account and have a scheduled daily pick-up, there is no charge for called in pick-ups or pick-ups scheduled online.
    • For same-day pick-ups, UPS charges $5.00/box for called in pick-ups and $4.00/box for online pick-up requests to those customers who are not set-up for a daily pick-up with UPS.
    • For following-day pick-ups, UPS charges $4.00/box for called-in pick-ups and $3.00/box for online pick-up requests to those customers who are not set-up for a daily pick-up with UPS.
    • UPS charges a $15.00/box fee for weekend pick-ups. Please avoid requesting weekend pick-ups or we must charge back those fees.
    • Please remind your employees that the boxes we supply are for the Single Use Camera Recycling Program only. If lost boxes must be re-supplied, there will be a fee of $1.50/box ($15.00 per 10 box shipment). This only applies to lost boxes and not the routine boxes we supply at no charge.