Contact Us

Your Business Resource in Environmentally Safe Silver Recovery

California Arizona / Nevada:
116 E. Prospect Avenue
Burbank, CA 91502-9946
(800) 943-2811 Toll Free
(818) 843-2811 Phone
(818) 843-2862 Fax
301 North 37th Drive #104
Phoenix, Arizona 85009
(602) 352-1911 Phone
(602) 352-0354 Fax

Please fill out the contact form below to request FREE information.

    Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Company Name


    How did you hear about us?

    ReferralMail AdvertisementGoogleYelpOther

    What is your primary business?

    Photo LabGraphic ArtsMedicalOther

    Have a representative call me

    Your Message

    I would like more information and/or quote on the following CRE Services:

    X-Ray Film Recycling
    Document Destruction (paper shredding)
    Shredding Services (mixed media, clothing, pill bottles, hard drives)
    Silver Refining Services
    Silver Recovery Equipment/Cartridges
    Photochemical Recycling & Disposal
    Ink & Solvent Waste Disposal
    Aluminum Litho Plate Purchasing

    I would like more information and/or quote on the following Mail-In Programs:
    Silver Recovery Cartridge Mail-In Program
    Silver Flake Mail-In Program
    Dental Silver Mine Mail-In Program
    One-Time-Use Camera Recycling Mail-InProgram

    Please complete the following equation to demonstrate you are a human:
